Boston, winter 2023

We took a quick trip to Boston in December. To get out of the house, walk around, grab a bite to eat and check out our old friend, Boston.

I didn’t bring any of the film cameras, so I shot these on iPhone.


I went out and about with a fresh roll of film in my Sprocket Rocket camera. I was heading to a park on the other side of the bridge, and was taking a new route to it. Take the path less traveled and all that.

I came across this dog park on this side of the road, and decided to pop in and check out the walking paths. I’m glad I did! I was heading to a place I’ve been a million times, but I took a new route to get there. And I found this cool park.

Another example of optimizing for serendipity.

Here’s some more photos from that roll.

Nikon F series, old camera new film

I’ve had this Nikon FM camera for about 20 years, and my dad used it for a long time before handing it over to me. It sat for ages in a closet, and then on a shelf. Along the way, the light meter broke, and the cover of the film loading is hard to open and close.

I ran a new roll of film through it to test it out, and I am pleasantly surprised that it’s still got some life left in it.

Walking around with intention to take photos makes me see the world a little differently. And my perspective changes a bit for each camera I am using. Shooting this roll of film with this camera was like seeing an old friend after a long time, and having a good conversation with my father at the same time.