Chad’s blog
April 20th, 2024

Yuck, but … yes.


A friend and I were geeking out on personality tests. Like the Myers-Briggs, etc. MB has been debunked as not using data to determine its “types”. But, I really like to tinker with these. I’m an INFJ, if I recall properly. A lot of people like these due to the Barnum Effect.

So my friend points out this one called How to Fascinate. It’s a bit different as the research is documented and it focuses on how people perceive you, not what you think your strengths are. I like that flip, and you’ll see why in a moment, if you keep reading.

My friend said their initial reaction to the results was:

Yuck, but … yes.
Yuck, but … yes.

And I could not agree more.

The Rockstar = Innovation + Passion. 

I took the assessment and got Innovation and Passion as my top areas, which makes me The Rockstar type. 

When I was a kid I wanted to be a rock star, but today I dislike the term. Sounds like “unicorn” to me. Unrealistic expectations, etc.

But reading through the results, I think it’s pretty spot on even if I don’t like some of the terminology. 

Here’s the adjectives that describe my type:

  • Creative
  • Entrepreneurial
  • Visionary
  • Contemporary
  • Bold
  • Engaging
  • Expressive
  • Intuitive
  • Perceptive
  • Dynamic
  • Artistic
  • Unorthodox
  • Revolutionary
  • Sensational

While I could never say to someone that I am “sensational” with a straight face, most of these are spot on.


The assessment encourages you to find an Anthem. Two words that sum you up. A motto. Rallying cry. What-have-you.

I’m not 100% on this, but I like this one, at least right now.

Unorthodox Creativity

Unorthodox cause I see connections and like to flip things, and do not like “this is how we’ve always done it here” one bit. And creativity cause I’m always trying to bring new ways of working to different contexts. 

I’ll have a longer think on this for sure.